
Kicking the Colour Drug

The Earth is a spiritual place. I mean, it’s an energy. This energy draws matter to it. It takes shape. The Earth is a shape of this kind. All things on Earth are shapes of this kind. Like this Labrador Tea:

It is a dark thing, that lives in darkness and knows light as a touch. It even eats it. In other words, to Labrador tea, as it is to us, light is a shape. It has dimensions in a world of bodies touching bodies of other kinds, because that’s what the Earth is: an energy that draws density to energy. Black and White photography maps these shapes. Then you go out to meet them, to see what they are. And what do you meet? Light.

You don’t even see the Labrador tea at all. You see the light it gives off, the warm reds of the light’s dimensionality. That’s a trick of the eyes. A useful one, mind you. Note how the buds give off almost all light, while the leaves give away only green and red. All the blues and yellows, the dimensions so common in summer, they keep. In other words, the whole year is here at once. And not just in the dimensions of light. In spacial dimensions as well.

And in how they are woven together. Human eyes are built to see these patterns. They include light, as a dimension of time and space.

Let this be the year we stop seeing it as “real.” The living ancestors of humans, including the Labrador teas, are teaching us something else. Something that is foundationally not about humans at all, yet includes us. To fail to go through this door into darkness is to lose our humanity. Let’s not be fooled by these technological drugs anymore. Let’s live in the Earth, not on it.

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