First Peoples

It is Time to Make a Saskatoon Pie

This is the best harvest in 25 years.

And you get the bonus of the robins scolding you, but there’s enough to share.

If not a pie, then just saskatoons with your breakfast!

Or just saskatoons for breakfast!

Alright, alright, lunch, too!

It’s a feast.

Go with joy and feast!

7 replies »

  1. Lucky you! Around here, the Saskatoons don’t find the sandy soil a feast for their needs, so I just get half a handfull of these tasty fruits from my much too slow growing “tree”. I learned to love them in my Austrian garden once, where they were so much happier growing fast and producing berries like in a rush, in a moisty ground with clay an lime. I am still dreaming of.


    • My cousin in München has a Felsenbeere, which is surely a Saskatoon by another name and his soil is awful. And no cliff. But a sidewalk. Such mysteries.

      > >

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  2. “Felsenbeere” this is the way they are named in German, and there are some varieties. Did not know about your language-skills: mysteries all around 🙂


    • Meine Familie ist überall in Deutschland und in der Schweiz und auch (in den USA und in Kanada.) Nach dem Krieg saßen die acht Kinder im Herrenzimmer, dann kam eine Neutronenbombe oder sowas, es gab einen großen Krach, und jetzt sind sie weit voneinander zerstreut, mit Kinder, Enkelkinder und Möbeln. Ich muß viel Geld ausgeben, alle zu besuchen. Man könnte mich also auch als einen Art Klebstoff betrachten.


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